Das Konzept für das im Jahr 1964 gegründte Sandwhich Restaurant war einfach: Alternativ zu McDonalds. Statt Hamburgers bat Arbys heisse Sandwhiches an. Man konnte im Restaurant essen oder es mitnehmen, ein Konzept das die moderne Fast Food Ketten eingeführt hat. 50… Continue Reading →
Neulich habe ich ein Jägermeister Mischgetränk entdeckt, das mir gut gefallen hat. Anweisungen in Englisch sind in das Video von oben zu sehen. Klicken Sie entweder hier oder direkt auf dem Bild von oben. Unten habe ich die Zutaten und… Continue Reading →
I recently came across German Pulse, an English website and forum dedicated to all things related to Germany. German Pulse provides articles of general interest for English speakers who are curious to know about the country in its… Continue Reading →
Die Wiederwahl Obamas signalisert in Amerika einen Wendepunkt. Trotz einem bitteren Kampf haben die Republikaner Ihr Mandat verloren. Amerika besteht aus den Bürgern und sie habensich entschieden Ihr Land wieder nach dem politischen Zentrum zu steuren. Ein amerikanisches Präsidentswahl, meiner… Continue Reading →
The Russian adaption of Rounders slightly strays from the original plotline. Matt Damon’s character, Michael, learns an important lesson in greed from Teddy KGB after losing a large sum of money to him in poker. Taking him as a protege,… Continue Reading →
The best way I’ve found to both appreciate and learn more about my own culture is to study another. Germans have a positive attitude toward Americans and are always curious to challenge their own stereotypes about American culture. In this… Continue Reading →
Join The Cause! I must confess that I have only met a handful of language professors in my life. It’s difficult to make generalizations with only such a small sample size, but during my time as I student I never… Continue Reading →
A Preface In case you’ve already watched the video before my reading my analysis, it’s obvious that the man in the wheelchair, who I’ll refer to as Mike, bears racist beliefs, and as documented in the video, physically assaults the… Continue Reading →
How Germany Alters American Film Titles to Cater to a Local Audience Having browsed through the German-translated titles of countless American films and TV shows, I really can’t think of a better example of the phrase “lost in translation.”… Continue Reading →
Fasting has existed since biblical times and most likely before (I’m too lazy to do the research). Yet in today’s day and age the only time I hear mention of the practice is by Muslims during Ramadan. I am convinced… Continue Reading →
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