It’s been awhile since I fired up my emulator, which always takes me down memory lane. Having recently played some classics from my childhood, I figured it would be fun to share some of the games that don’t normally come… Continue Reading →
Daddy Bloomberg Slaps New Yorkers on the Wrist I was upset to learn of Mayor Bloomberg’s decision to limit the quantity of soda sold in New York City as an effort to reduce obesity. The next time I visit the… Continue Reading →
If there was any advice I could give myself before I began playing Black Ops II it would be found in the suggestions that follow. Although I am still very much green to this game, I’ve improved a bit… Continue Reading →
Those using Internet Explorer most likely have encountered this warning message before: “The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you to run this software?” If you would like to stop Internet Explorer from displaying this annoying message every… Continue Reading →
My Skype relationship has moved past the courting stage and is now a committed relationship. With the fun times over, Skype is starting to get under my skin a little. Let’s consider the following my therapy session. 1. Copying… Continue Reading →
Von aussen sieht man einen relativ kleinen beleuchteten Schild mit dem Name des Restaurants darauf. Daneben befinden sich einige andere Schilder, meistens für deutsches Bier wie Paulaner. Aber wie ich gelernt habe, man soll solche kleinen Schilder nicht unterschätzen. Das… Continue Reading →
Prior to becoming an east coast rap icon, Sean Carter aka Jay Z sold crack. While many in his situation would regret what they had to do to get by, Jay Z boasts about his drug dealing days in many… Continue Reading →
Often I need a boost of inspiration before heading to the gym. Sometimes it will be a Metallica or Guns N Roses song, but every once in a while I have to queue up a Rocky montage to get into… Continue Reading →
Als ich ein Kind war muss ich gestehen dass ich viele Stunden direkt vorm Fernseher vebracht hatte. Damals war es nicht eine bestimmte Sendung, die meine Aufmerksamkeit erregt, sondern Videospiele. Obwohl ich auch Sendungen im Fernseher angeschaut habe, hatte ich Videospiele einfach… Continue Reading →
Ich war neulich in Muenster, Texas – eine kleine Stadt, die in den nord-zentralichen Teil des Landes liegt. Es ist doch kein Zufall dass sich Muenster die Stadt Münster in Deutschland ähnelt. Muenster wurde von Deutschen gegründet und sollte ursprünglich… Continue Reading →
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